Friday, August 12, 2011

Not-so-guilty Pleasure

"Everything I Like Is Illegal, Immoral, Fattening, Addictive, Expensive, or Impossible."

Can you relate to this statement? More or less, chances are you probably can and I have found a loophole.

I have found something that is legal, moral, helps you lose weight, inexpensive, quite possible, and okay - maybe it's addictive, but this is an imperfect world we live in so we can't have it all...


If everyone was required to practice yoga the same way everyone is required to pay taxes this is how I would imagine the world to be:

We would all be comfortable with our bodies. When we practice yoga we learn a lot about ourselves physically. We tune into muscles and parts of your body that we never paid attention to before. It's pretty wild to think that you have this body as a sole means of self expression (whether you're dancing or just moving your hands around as you tell a story), and you're probably not even familiar with it. You should get acquainted with every inch. It's all yours and nobody else's.

As we would become stronger physically we would grow mentally and this would be one big step to a radical change in the world. There would be no such thing as Anger Management. Even though most of us experience stress in our daily lives, we would rest assured that at least a small portion of our day would be dedicated to putting our minds at ease. We would go to sleep relaxed and wake up with a smile.

The anti-depressant business would flounder. People would simply begin healing themselves.

Everyone would be flexible - both mentally and physically.

Most people think that in order to start practicing yoga they need to acquire a gym membership or find a yoga studio, but that's not the case at all. In my experience it will only benefit you to learn from an instructor but don't let that hinder you from starting today. If I'm not too tired - I'll do an 8 minute workout right before bed. This way when my head hits the pillow I'm out for the count.

Anyone can do this. Seriously.

Upside-Down Relaxation
 Minutes: 0:00-2:00
  • Sit facing a wall with your butt about 6 inches away from it.
  • Lie back and extend your legs up the wall.
  • Let your arms rest by your sides, palms facing up, and breathe gently, feeling the stretch in the backs of your legs.
Winding Down Twist

                       Minutes: 2:00-3:00

  • Sit cross-legged on the bed and exhale as you place your right hand on your left knee and left hand on the bed behind your tailbone.

  • Gently twist your torso to the left.

  • Allow your gaze to follow, looking over your left shoulder. Breathe deeply, then return to center and repeat on opposite side.


    Nighttime Goddess Stretch

                                              Minutes: 3:00-5:00
    • Lie on your back with knees bent.
    • Place the soles of your feet together, then let your knees fall open, forming a diamond shape with your legs.
    • Rest your arms on the bed.
    Child's Pose
                                    Minutes: 5:00-7:00

  • Sit up comfortably on your heels.

  • Roll your torso forward, bringing your forehead to rest on the bed in front of you.

  • Lower your chest as close to your knees as you comfortably can, extending your arms in front of you.

  • Hold the pose and breathe.

  • Rock-a-Bye Roll
                                      Minutes: 7:00-8:00 
    • Lying on your back, hug knees in to chest.
    • Cross your ankles and wrap both arms around your shins with clasped hands.
    • Inhale and rock your body up to sit; exhale as you roll back.
    • Continue for 1 minute, then roll back, extend arms and legs, and drift off to sleep.

    pictures & instructions via fitnessmagazine

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