Thursday, June 30, 2011

Got a few seconds?

Think about something - just one thing - that you're happy about right now. It can literally be anything. Maybe you really enjoyed breakfast this morning. Maybe you've had a stuffy nose for the past few days and today you can breathe freely again. Perhaps you're simply having a good hair day.

 Now think about a point in time when you really wanted it. That time when you had the thought "I wish I had..." or " One day I'll have..." Puts things in perspective, eh?

Oscar Wilde once said "There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it." With some conscious effort you can completely eliminate this state of mind. Things you have right now (physical, mental, spiritual, abstract, etc.) are all things that you desired at some point. If you can't enjoy them right now then what makes you think you're ever going to enjoy the things you long for right this moment? It's a vicous circle, but it doesn't have to be. Everything in life is relative. You learn to truly appreciate something when you take a step back and see how lucky you are to have it.

This is why gratitude is one of my favorite concepts. It is so ridiculously simple, yet so overlooked by the majority of people.

I can make an endless list of things that I am grateful for. Every day I take a few seconds to go over a few things. Today I'm grateful for a gorgeous summer day (even from inside an office which I am grateful employs me), good music and the privilege of being able to hear it, my beautiful family and friends, and the opportunity to write this for both myself and for those who are open to reading it.

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