Monday, June 27, 2011


Anxiety has become entirely too common in our high-strung, survival-of-the-fittest society. In fact, you may be anxious about something as you read this right now. Anxiety has become such a norm, that many people (whether they consciously realize it or not) have come to accept it as a regular part of their every day lives.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to achieve your goals or obtain success (whatever that means to you), but the only way to truly do so is to relax and maintain balance. Easier said than done, right? 

Well - this takes a little work, but the results are long term and well worth the effort. The best strategy I've come across for this balance I speak of is derived from the works of the pro of inner peace himself - Buddha.

Basically there are 4 states of mind (Brahmaviharas) that you're shooting for.

1. Metta (Kindness)

I'm not talking about volunteering at a shelter or donating money (although you can still do so if you choose) This is a lot simpler than all that. You don't even need to go anywhere. Just appreciate the people around you. Don't be possessive or overly sentimental. Just respect those around you for who they are.

2. Karuna (Compassion)

Technically the direct translation of this means "to suffer with". Nah, you don't have to do that. You don't have to suffer with someone to shine some light on his or her situation. Just think good karma. If someone's having a bad day put forth a little effort to brighten their day. Throw in some insight and if you don't have any, a compliment never put anyone in a worse mood.

3. Mudita (Joy)

KISS. Keep It Simple Stupid. Appreciate the absolute most basic things. I'm talking really basic - like a breezy summer day or a nicely brewed cup of coffee.

4. Upeksha (Equanimity)

This is by far the most difficult to achieve. Directly upeksha translates to indifference or disregard, but that's not what it's about at all. I'm not saying you have to be stone cold to be balanced. It's more about being able to take things with a grain of salt. It's being able to have the first 3 states of mind to the fullest. You could be kind to others and offer compassion without emotionally draining yourself. This state of mind allows you to enjoy something to the fullest without becoming obsessed with it. It's about being able to feel happy without crashing at the first sign of stress.

... just some food for thought. Don't stress over applying these to your life right away, right now. Maybe just start with appreciating that cup of coffee (or tea whichever you prefer).

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